Just an Update

Today’s post is just a little update to touch base with everyone. I’ve been pretty busy the past couple weeks shooting photos for my next project. Once I finished the “trees” project, I really didn’t pick up anything new. I just seemed to shoot aimlessly. To be honest, the novelty of just taking photographs wore off and I needed more.

“mosside.” trees vol. one Nick Beckner Photography 2020

“mosside.” trees vol. one Nick Beckner Photography 2020

So I came up with a book idea. I’m going to give myself nine months to add to the project. If I can finish sooner, I will. No rush though. I can intentionally add pieces until I’m satisfied. I’m not going to say what it contains, but it’s something a little out of my normal niche I suppose. I’m kinda excited to finish it sooner rather than the cutoff date I gave myself.

I also wanted to talk a little bit about what I want to do and where I want my photography hustle to lead this year.

I am really looking to continue to build my “following” across media platforms this year. Between algorithms and new tik toks and tweets, it’s hard to do it alone. So I would appreciate any help you can give me in sharing my work, sharing my posts, leading people to the site here, etc. It’d mean a lot.

I am also hoping to schedule in more sessions this year. Now, I know everyone and their sister is doing sessions these days, but I want to do them my way. Yes, I am always willing to do a traditional family session, or the typical senior portrait here and there, but I want to bring my roots of street photography and documentary style photography, into the typical session. I want to offer “Day in the Life” sessions this year. Let me sneak into your normal life for a day or a half day. Let me capture the normal moments you and your family have time and time again, but never stop to actually cherish those moments. I know, looking at the typical day, with kiddo around here, I really have to slow down and realize these moments aren’t going to last forever. One day, he won’t even want me to bother him. I need to capture the mundane times so I can remember the lost times. That’s what I want to bring to people this year. The opportunity to have the mundane daily life captured today, so you can look back at them tomorrow.

Great family to end the year with. Thanks again Kim and Chris!

Great family to end the year with. Thanks again Kim and Chris!

I am also looking forward to scheduling in some product and lifestyle photography for small businesses this year. Giving them photos to use to promote their brand on different media platforms. If you or anyone you know may have a need for my creative skillset, I’m only an email away.

I also want to continue to build the blog. It’s enjoyable for me to think of things and just type them out for someone to see. The problem I’m going to run into is content. If there is something you want me to discuss or review or give my opinion on, I’d love to hear from you. I have taken a few steps towards monetizing my blog through affiliate links. These links are of no extra charge to you to use, I just get a small commission if you decide to shop. I’ve done sales for many years and I don’t peddle stuff I don’t use or like. It’s just a way for me to try to get this gig into a possible career and get the kiddo some extra fruit snacks at the least.

With everyone’s help this year, this might be a turning point for my photography, and I couldn’t be more excited to share the behind the scenes thoughts and ideas with you.

Last couple things I wanted to talk about is the website and workshops.

I redid the portfolio page on here. I’d love to hear what you think about the changes I made there.

Workshops. Workshops seem to be one of the main income streams many photographers use to supplement their full time lives. I am hoping to gain some interest this year from individuals looking to practice their photography and learn some things from me. I’ve been doing this for ten years now, and I taught myself along the way. I would love to help mentor groups or individuals in their artistic ways, give feedback and support, and review work you may already have in your portfolio. I want to offer that to people, since I have been going at it alone for so long. If workshops would interest you, I ask that you reach out to me via email and let me know what you would be wanting to focus on.

Hope this wasn’t too boring fo you. Just want to put the mundane parts, of me trying to build this little site into something, cool in the open.

Keep capturing.





10 Ansel Adams Quotes I Shoot By